It’s good to have Alaska friends

I’ll be getting my Alaska perspective on this whole Palin situation from my friends the Rudstroms in Alaska. We aren’t on the same page, politically, but they’d be the first to say Alaska is an entirely different political universe. I think we’ll be learning more about that universe in the national media as we go along.

Anyway, AnnMarie posted this amusing picture of their governor. I think this is a “huh?” moment that transcends political ideology.

Incidentally, the Rudstroms keep a family blog that is a fascinating look at life in a remote Alaskan Inuit village near the Arctic Circle. It’s a blast to read about what they’re up to. For instance, this week C.O. shows us what the inside of a musk ox looks like.

UPDATE: They’re showing “North to Alaska” on AMC this morning. Coincidence? Or is the ghost of John Wayne meddling in yet another election.


  1. Hey Aaron,
    Thanks for the shout out. I think we’ve had a few new visitors because of your link.

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